Who Is The Fastest Superhero?

While superheroes like Ironman have some basic scientific logic powering their flying abilities, most superheroes seem to possess it by default. And no one’s complaining, after all, it’s their superhuman abilities that make them superheroes in the first place. With quite a few superheroes flying around, it makes us wonder who is the fastest of them all. To answer the question, here’s a quick look at some of the fastest superheroes.

Captain Marvel – With fluctuating power levels, Captain Marvel’s top speed can vary significantly. In places like earth that have an atmosphere, Captain Marvel can achieve supersonic speeds. She can fly even faster in space.

Thor – Thor is not necessarily known for his flying abilities. However, his hammer has been quite often seen to fly at high speeds. When propelled by his hammer, Thor can achieve supersonic speed at locations with an atmosphere. Across the universe, Thor’s hammer can help him achieve light speed.

Makkari – Belonging to an ancient race, Makkari acquired high speed flying abilities by channeling the available cosmic energies. This was achieved through several years of meditation. Makkari is ranked among the fastest superheroes.

Flash – This is among the superheroes who utilize their high speed for saving lives and doing good for the world. Except their flying abilities, Flash does not have any other major qualities. In case of Barry Allen (as Flash), the speed is estimated to be around 2,532 miles per hour (Mach 3). However, Wally West, as Flash, is faster than Barry Allen, as shown in The Flash #50.

Superman – The thing about Superman is that he can adapt and increase his powers when required. Superman has faced Flash (both Barry Allen and Wally West) in various situations and results have been a mixed bag. The race is still on between Superman and Flash.

Silver Surfer – With energy derived from Power Cosmic, Silver Surfer can easily reach speeds faster than light. This makes him perfectly suited for inter-galactic travel.

Shazam – Although not as popular as other superheroes, Shazam has a range of super abilities including high speed. He can achieve faster than light speed.

Supergirl – She has the same set of powers, as available to Superman. That includes the ability to fly at the speed of light. Her flying abilities were evidenced in the “Elseworlds” Arrowverse crossover, where Supergirl, along with Flash, slowed earth’s rotation speed by flying around it at high speed.

Spectrum – She may not be popular as a speedster, but she does have the ability to achieve high speeds. Spectrum has the power to convert into electromagnetic forms such as visible light. This allows her to achieve speed of light, whenever needed.

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