Easter came earlier this year for UK kids. Around 1 million UK school kids were provided with free BBC MICRO: BIT  as easter gift. Technology has become a part of almost everything in the world and mastering technical skills has become necessary for everyone especially children. Advancement in technology is at its amplifying and will keep on increasing every day. With this increasing rate, there was a need to equip school children with advanced knowledge and let them grow their tech skills so that they will be prepared for this tech-savvy world.

  • BBC MICRO: BIT is a small wearable device that is 18 times faster than its BBC Micro. It features 2 programmable buttons, light and temperature sensors, motion sensors(compass and accelerometer),25 individually programmable LEDs, physical connection pins, USB interface and wireless communication(Bluetooth and radio).
  • BBC MICRO: BIT has come a long way compared to its older version i.e. BBC Micro. it has been programmed to run on both laptops, tablets, and smartphones making it easier for you to do the coding anywhere. Although it has been developed for kids, adults can get their hands on it too. It requires just a few minutes to get accustomed to this computer as it was designed keeping in mind kids and beginners with little to no experience in programming.
  • BBC MICRO-BIT was designed as an educational tool for school students aged 11-12. Kids have to program it by writing codes by choosing among different programming languages available on its Create Code Section. Currently, 4 programming languages are available on its Create Code Page, and these languages are:
  • Microsoft Touch Develop
  • Microsoft Block editor
  • MicroPython
  • Code Kingdoms Javascript

Now coming to the projects that can be done with BBC MICRO: BIT

  1. Make a MICRO: BIT flashing heart

if you are new to this programming world than you can start with this project. It requires minimal codes and will be helpful to you for grasping code tools and get yourself acquainted with board connection. In fact, you can make any image on the grid, flashing heart is just an example to practice codes.


Children can invent their own games using this tool and enhance their creativity along with learning codes.


Fitbit has become common among people who want to stay healthy and if you want one,  you can have your own customized Fitbit using MICRO: BIT.

In this era who doesn’t use a FITBIT? Almost every other person has it to track their steps and get fit. You can use Fitbit bands available in the market, smartphone apps to count your steps or you can just have your own customized Fitbit using MICRO: BIT.


Being a lightweight device, MICRO: BIT  which can be worn as a digital watch or as a colorful brooch that can display time or your own personalized message.


Use it as a controller to control music on your phone or tablet. You can also create your own tune with this tool.

These are some of the projects that can be done with MICRO: BIT. There is a lot more you can do using this tool, you just need coding and a little bit of creativity.

BBC MICRO: BIT may be smaller in size but has the potential to change the way children learn coding. It will help the young generation get exposure to the technical world and get ready for the future.


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