In the era of startups and technology companies, getting fired from the job has become quite common these days. We hear such cases almost every other day and the problems faced by fired employees makes for the saddest stories. So, what can one do if fired from the job? Can the employee sue the company and demand compensation? Well, the …
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Digital Shadows Leads the Way in Managing Cyber Threats
With transactions and data assets moving to the digital domain, individuals and organizations face a constant risk of being targeted via cyber attacks. These entities not only face the risk of financial loss, but also the risk of loss of reputation and brand image. While enterprise data securitysolutions are available, most of these follow a reactive approach, which may not …
Read More »Best Places to Buy a Home in Chennai
The Detroit of the East, the Cultural Capital of South India, the country’s 4th largest economy, UNESCO recognized rich musical tradition, and ranked by BBC as a global city worth visiting and worth living. These are just a few of the many achievements and recognition that the city of Chennai has been credited with over the years. It showcases the …
Read More »Get GIFs in a Jiffy at Giphy
A picture is worth a thousand words and a video probably says a lot more. But, what do you do if you need something in between? The founders of Giphy, Alex Chung and Jace Cooke, encountered this same question when they were discussing the growing dominance of visual media. GIFs were already popular at that time, but there was no …
Read More »90 Days or Cash –How Nested Has Revolutionized Home Buying
Buying a new home while waiting for the existing one to sell has always posed significantchallenges for homebuyers. Aiming to resolve this problem, Nested has come up with a pioneering idea that is transforming the way people buy and sell properties. Earlier, homebuyers and other stakeholders were plagued by property chains, which is the chain of people waiting for their …
Read More »How Milk Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Milk and dairy products are among the food items that are consumed globally and we have been doing so since many generations. However, in recent times, milk and milk products have come under attack from certain sources. There are claims that milk may not be as healthy as it is made out to be. So, what should you do as …
Read More »How Milk Is Beneficial For Heart Health
With an increasing number of cases related to heart problems, people have become very conscious about what they eat and how much they eat. The general perception among people is that fat causes heart problems. This is why people have started avoiding foods that are rich in fats. One of the healthy foods that have become a target of negative …
Read More »ITC Classmate “Be Better Than Yourself” Campaign Sparks A Social Revolution
Marks, marks and more marks – this is all that students normally hear through school and college. This fixation with marks puts tremendous pressure on children, due to which many of them are unable to achievetheir full potential. Guilt, low self-esteem and lack of confidence have also been witnessed among students who are unable to achieve the level of marks …
Read More »Facebook Exposed For Systematic Overcharging on Ads (NOT Fake News)
Thousands of people have been duped by Facebook through exorbitant overcharging on its advertisements. You are shown a small amount on the screen when you book a Facebook advert, but the charges keep spiraling in the background. Many people have reported that their credit/debit cards have maxed out, as a result of systematic overcharging on ads by Facebook. This is …
Read More »Which Digital Marketing Platform Is Best For Your Business
When it comes to large businesses, digital marketing does not pose any significantchallenges to them, as they are readily able to deploy the financial muscle and top talent to get the job done. However, the scenario changes in case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as they may not have adequate resources to unlock the full potential of digital marketing. …
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