
Corny the Chimp Presents Mexican Nacho Chaat Platter 

Hello there, food enthusiasts! Today, we have a special treat as Corny the Chimp joins us from Cornitos to share a delightful and exotic recipe that checks all the boxes: it’s simple, it’s incredibly tasty, and most importantly, it’s healthy. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure as we explore the world of flavors with “Mexican Nacho Chaat Platter”. Whether …

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Robotic Surgery is Enhancing Precision and Safety for Complex GI Surgeries

Consultant Laparoscopic, Bariatric &Gastrointestinal Surgeon, SPARSH Hospitals Bangalore In recent times, Robotic Surgery has emerged as a ground-breaking technological advancement in the field of medicine, revolutionizing the way complex gastrointestinal procedures are performed. This innovative approach blends the expertise of surgeons with the precision and accuracy of robotic systems, resulting in enhanced surgical outcomes, improved patient safety, and reduced healing …

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How to Finance your Holidays: 5 Key Investment Strategies to Fund your Next Travel

Travel may be costly, whether it’s due to high gas prices on your road trip or rising travel demand, which raises hotel and airline expenses. You may want to go on wonderful vacations without jeopardizing your long-term financial stability by carefully arranging your trip expenses and wisely investing your money in various ways. Most people do not have this kind …

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Understanding Rabies: Symptoms, Infection, and First Aid After a Dog Bite

Rabies is a fatal viral disease that can be passed on to people through the bite of an infected animal. With approximately 59,000 people dying from rabies each year, it is a serious public health issue. Each year on September 28th, World Rabies Day is observed to raise awareness of this preventable disease. “Rabies: Vaccinate, Save Lives” is the theme …

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Ovarian Cancer Screening and Early Detection Strategies 

Ovarian cancer is known for its tendency to remain asymptomatic until it reaches an advanced stage. However, there have been recent breakthroughs in ovarian cancer screening and early detection strategies that offer new hope for at-risk individuals. We will now explore some advancements and their potential to reshape the landscape of ovarian cancer care. The two tests include:  CA-125: This is …

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World Heart Day: Understanding the Different Heart Health Specialists You May Need to See

Cardiologists are doctors who work with the heart and blood vessels. They diagnose, treat, and work to prevent diseases of the heart, such as coronary artery disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, congenital heart disease, and more. They also act as consultants to other physicians. In recognition of World Heart Day, St. George’s University (SGU) Grenada, in the Caribbean, provides an overview …

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Signs & symptoms of spine traction

Being a Physiotherapist, I often encounter the term Spinal traction aimed at alleviating pain and to increase mobility at a particular joint. Traction in simple words is decompression or distraction of two joints. It is an artificial therapeutic way of enhancing joint space to assist tissue growth and healing. Spinal Traction is used to increase intervertebral disc space post prolapse/slipped disc, …

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Blood Pressure Management: Tips for Maintaining Healthy Numbers

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a widespread condition that affects millions of people around the world. It’s often referred to as the “silent killer” because it can go unnoticed for years while silently damaging our vital organs. However, the good news is that with the right knowledge and lifestyle adjustments, you can take control of your blood pressure and …

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Thyroid Cancer in Men: Navigating Challenges, Dispelling Myths, and Advancing

hospital doctor health

Thyroid cancer, though commonly associated with women, also affects men, albeit at a lower incidence. While the disease has been widely discussed in the context of female patients, it’s important to shed light on the challenges, myths, and advancements in treating thyroid cancer in men. Recognizing the unique aspects of this condition in men can lead to better awareness, early …

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The Latest Advances in Blood Cancer Treatment

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about this serious disease and its impact on patients and families. Blood cancer is a severe disease, but treatment has advanced significantly in recent years. Understanding Blood Cancer Blood cancer is a group of diseases in which abnormal blood cells are produced in the bone marrow or from blood …

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