How can excessive vitamin and mineral consumption lead to health issues?

Today, packaged water bottles are souped-up with vitamins and minerals, lest considering the packaged juices available in the market. This might seem like a favourable option that will help maintain your vitamins and minerals level in your body. However, sometimes the overloading of these essential vitamins and minerals could prove to be harmful to your body.

The intake of too much zinc or Vitamin C could result in:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps

While excessive selenium in your body could result in:

  • Hair loss
  • Upsetting the gastrointestinal system
  • Mild damage to the nervous system
  • Fatigue

What do you mean by a balanced diet?

While most of the people try and stick to maintain a balanced diet, you must first understand what the correct definition of a balanced diet is. A balanced diet is something that satiates a person’s nutritional requirements. The human body needs calories, essential vitamins, and minerals in a balanced quantity to remain healthy. However, some people trying to be enthusiastic about staying healthy intake more nutrients required by the body, which often leads to some serious troubles.

Check the dosage of Supplement intake:

Experts say that the unfortified food that you usually consume at your home isn’t the causing the problem. The main issue arises when you intake some supplements to compensate for nutrients in your body. More often than not, people fail to comprehend the fact that the intake of excessive minerals and vitamins can do them more harm than good.

Some subtle signs that suggest an excessive intake of vitamins and minerals in your body:

  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Lack of concentration
  • Tingling or numbing sensation
  • Feeling very irritated

Three nutrients to specifically watch for:

The latest studies suggest that the preparation of supplements has altered completely. Although the supplement manufacturing units have gone easy on sugar, salt, and fats, they have replaced them with Calcium, Folic Acid, and Vitamin D.

  • If a person is exceeding the limit -4000 International Units per day of Vitamin D, he or she may end up with severe heart-related issues.
  • Folic Acid nowadays is being used in the preparation of rice, bread, pasta, and cereals. Therefore, compensating just 1000 International Units of Folic Acid per day isn’t big a deal. But, surpassing the daily limit of Folic Acid intake may lead to damaging of the nerves permanently.
  • Although Calcium is needed for the strengthening of the bones if you intake more than the required amount it can adversely affect your bones, accumulate stones in the kidney, interfere with the functioning of the brain, and affect the heart as well.

Bottom Line:

Our body requires several vitamins and minerals. However, you need to understand the fact that everything in a supervised amount is considered to be safe and also proves to be efficient for our body. Excessive intake of any vitamin and mineral can lead to serious health issues and can harm your health in unimaginable ways.

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