How divorce affects the healthy development of children

Divorce is a heavily coined word for many. The emotional bond, mental and financial stability, and many other positive things for which a couple takes nuptial vows come to a standstill when one or both the persons involved in a marriage called off for a divorce.

Not only it cast a shadow in their own relationship but it also creates a permanent pothole in the smooth pathway of their offspring. A child’s mind is as soft as mud. The constraint and tug of war of his parents may fabricate a permanent spot in their mind. The life of those children whose parents had undergone a divorce starts to take a wrong turn in most of the cases if they especially are in their adolescent period.

If a toddler faces this situation, he can hardly react as he is still unaware of the individual’s responsibility towards him.

However, a divorce may create an adverse effect on the school goers. He may show loss of appetite, loss of interest in playing with his friends, poor grades in school, lack of concentration, etc. A teenager may become emotionally upset, may show anger and frustration in almost everything. They may stop speaking completely and can show some other introvert signs also. They may restrict themselves to social gatherings. They may show a lack of faith in emotional bondings which in turn can lead to their unhappy marriages in the future also.

Some children may start taking drugs and become addicted to it as they may find solace in it, as their comfort zone with both their parents were gone after the divorce. Some children may lead a depressed life with utter sorrow. Some may become involved in anti-social activities and some may even take the drastic step of ending their life.

However such cases may be avoided. It has been found that if, why divorce has been called off can be communicated in a simple and friendly manner to the children, the latter may not take a drastic step for himself.

A divorce may mean the end of a relationship,  but that doesn’t mean that it is the end of a family. If there were mutual disrespect, indecency, and unhealthy coexistence of the married couple, then it’s better to part ways than stretching the ruptured ties. A parent should not forbid the other parent to spend quality time with the children after divorce, as they should know this pretty well that their mutual brawl has nothing to do with their children. Their children should not be deprived of the love and affection of both parents.

Parents can stick to proper discipline in the formative years of their children. They should co-parent peacefully and should not bring their children in the middle of their quarrel. They should empower the child and teach him properly that he has the strength to handle this situation.

However, the other part of the story says that divorces that lead to happier parents with two stable homes can be, and often is, better for children than unhappy and chaotic family life in a single home.

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