How Long Should Sex Last?

Due to our fascination with the things that we see on the screen, we are compelled to believe that a good session of sex lasts for 20-30 minutes. It’s not that it cannot last that long, but the bigger question is does it need to last that long to be enjoyable. Or is it possible to have the same level of satisfaction with relatively shorter duration of sex? Due to the things they see on the screen, men experience a great deal of performance anxiety. When their timing does not match the duration they may have seen on the screen, they get worried and are tempted to book a doctor’s appointment.

The fact of the matter is that the duration of sex varies from individual to individual and from country to country. For example, in a global study, it was revealed that on an average, American men last around 13 minutes in bed. This is more than Europe average (10 minutes) and German average (7 minutes). The report also assessed Indian men and found their average time of ejaculation to be less than 7 minutes. So, is that a reason to worry? Probably not. Leading sexologists say that sex can be enjoyable at short durations also.

Sexologists say that what we see on the screen is done by professional actors over extended periods of time and involves the use of sex enhancing medications and lubes. As such, what we see on the screen does not reflect on what happens in real life. In porn films, it is possible that the scene of ejaculation was filmed first followed by the sex scene. This will naturallyincrease the duration of intercourse, but it is not something that anyone would want to replicate in their personal lives on an everyday basis.

According to sexologists, men should try to avoid the performance anxiety by being comfortable about who they are and what they are capable of. If they have sex with a clock ticking in their mind, it can be counterproductive. It can reduce their enjoyment and may also lead to premature ejaculation. Sexologists also advice that simple lifestyle and dietary changes can significantlyimprove theirperformance in bed. For example, regularexercise, eating fruits and vegetables, doing yoga, etc. can boost a man’s sex drive.

Duration of sex doesn’t really matter, irrespective of whether its 5, 10, 20 minutes or more. You need to see a doctor only if you last less than a minute or if your partner has some complaints. Feel free to share all your thoughts and experiences with the doctor, so that the best remedy can be ascertained to improve your sex life.

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