How Satisfying Are Quickies?

Most people and therapists agree that sex is most satisfying when done in a slow, leisurely and playful manner with adequate time spent on foreplay. However, in the context of our fast-paced lifestyles, following that approach may not always be possible. That’s one reason why quickies have become a reality of our times. It’s like a seven-course banquet versus a burger meal and sometimes the fast food turns out to be more satisfying.

However, just like everything else, quickies come with their own set of challenges. Quickies are often a problem for women, as there’s not enough time to achieve lubrication. Quickies can also be a problem for older men, as getting aroused may take time. In case of women, the problem can be resolved to some extent with the use of lubes. For older men, there should be at least some prior planning or preparation to be able to enjoy a quickie.

Quickies can work as an interesting change, as compared to the usual routine. Couples experiencing sexual boredom can use it as therapy to reignite their passion. Here are some tips and techniques that can help couples to derive max satisfaction from quickies.

Foreplay in fast forward mode – A quickie does not necessarily mean complete absence of foreplay. It’s only the speed that changes. You can hug, kiss and caress and massage in quick motions to achieve the desired arousal. The more sensual you are, the better will be the experience.

Fantasize – Quickies can be unexpected, but if you are anticipating something, you can start thinking about it in your mind. This will give you time for arousal and prepare you for the moment when you join your partner.

Consider oral sex – A quickie can also involve handjob and oral sex. It does not necessarily have to be intercourse. If any of the partners has issues with quickie sex, they can settle for handjobs or oral sex. These can be quite satisfying on their own.

Use sex toys – A quickie can leave a women wanting for more. This is where vibrators can come handy. In case of men, a vibrating penis sleeve can be useful post the quickie.

Last but not least, you can try new sex positions. Quickies can be made more fun by trying new ideas. Even a change in the location instead of the usual bedroom can significantly improve the overall experience. Surprise your partner with something new and it might just work to spice up your sex life.

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