How To Apply NSP Scholarship?

For the benefit of students, the government has introduced a transparent and completely online process of applying for NSP scholarship

When it comes to building a strong nation, education of the masses plays a critical role. To ensure that education is accessible to everyone, the government has launched the National Scholarships Portal (NSP). It is essentially a one-stop shop for filing the student scholarship form and getting the scholarship sanctioned. With the centralized NSP, students can benefit from scholarships provided by both Central and State governments. NSP allows fast processing of scholarship applications and eliminates the issue of duplication.

How to apply for an NSP scholarship?

If you are a new user, you first need to register yourself on the NSP portal. This is a One Time Registration (OTR), which is mandatory before you can apply for any scholarship. You will need an active mobile number for the OTR. This is necessary for verification purposes. To ensure that students are not burdened with costs, the OTR process is completely free. You do not have to pay anything for the OTR.

Aadhaar details mandatory

It is to be noted that Aadhaar will be needed for OTR. For a student who has recently applied for Aadhaar, they can enter their Enrollment ID (EID) for Aadhaar. OTR can also be done by using the Aadhaar details of the parent or legal guardian. This applies to minor students who have not received their Aadhaar. For a smooth application process, it is important that demographic details mentioned in the form are the same as that provided in the Aadhaar/EID. Users need to be careful when mentioning details like name, gender, date of birth, etc.

The same process needs to be followed in case the Aadhaar of the parent or guardian is being used. Only one OTR can be generated per student. This will be checked via Aadhaar verification. In case of parents or legal guardians using their Aadhaar details, maximum two OTRs can be generated. Students / parents / legal guardians need to be careful when applying for OTR. That is because if multiple OTRs are found in the name of a student, they will be barred from getting the scholarship. Giving false or incorrect information can also lead to rejection.

Mobile number registration and e-KYC

Follow the instructions on the NSP portal for registering a new user. Your phone number will be verified via OTP. Also, the e-KYC process will be completed via an Aadhaar-based OTP. On the next page, you need to enter your mother’s name and your father’s name. You can also provide your email ID in the given field. After this, a reference number will be generated. You need to save this reference number, as it will be needed for generating the OTR.

Face authentication via NSP OTR mobile app

Once the reference number is generated, you need to download the NSP OTR mobile app. On the app, select e-KYC by face authentication. You will be required to enter the reference number, after which, you can proceed to face authentication. For this, you need to have the Aadhaar FaceRD Android app installed on your mobile phone.

Once the face authentication is successful, your OTR number will be generated and displayed on the screen. You can then use this OTR number to login to your NSP account. The password for the login will be sent to your mobile number. Once inside the NSP portal, you can apply for the NSP scholarship.

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