Questions You Should NOT Be Asking At An Interview

Job interviews have always been challenging, even for the most talented and experienced professionals. Most candidates experienceheightened stress, anxiety and confusion since they are aware that their every word, gesture and even pauses are being carefully evaluated by the interviewer. One of the most confusing things about an interview is the questions that you need to ask at the end of an interview. While you may have prepared the questions you will be asking, things can take unexpected turns during an interview and you may end up asking silly or superficial questions. Asking the wrong questions reflects badly on your knowledge, thought process, your interest in the job, your work ethic and your potential. If you want to ace a job interview, here are some of the questions that you should NOT be asking.

What does the company do? – This question reveals that you are too lazy to do your own research. Information about a company can easily be gained through the company’s website or other resources on the web. This question also reflects your disinterest in the job you have applied for.

When will I get a raise/promotion? – This question shows that you are anxious about the future and not focused on the present. It reveals that you are not concerned about the role you are being offered and are interested mainly in monetary gains.

What salary will I get? – You should avoid this question at your first interview, as it is generally considered distasteful. You can mention your expected salary in your resume, cover letter or the mail you sent to the company. But, avoid asking this on a first interview.

Do you verify references? – This question may lead the interviewer to suspect that your references may not be genuine. Trust is a major component that you need to develop on your first interview and such questions can easily erode your honesty and integrity.

Can I work from home? – This question shows that you don’t like being part of a team and may have a challenging time while communicating and corroborating with other organizational members. You can ask this question at a later stage when you may have received the offer letter.

How many hours I have to work? – This question reflects that your commitmenttowards your job is the bare minimum. Today’s organizations have a dynamic work environment and working extended hours is a reality in most companies. If you are passionate about your work, you won’t mind spending some extra time.

How many holidays/paid leaves will I be getting? – You need to avoid this question on your first interview, as it reflects badly on your commitment towards your job. You can ask this question at a later stage, when the company has provided you the offer letter.

You need to avoid all questions that may lead to negative impressions. Avoid personal questions, superficial questions and things that you can easily find on the web. Ask only the most relevant questions and it will significantly increase your chances of getting the job.

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