Top 5 apps that are making the world a better place

The surge in smartphone usage and better internet has led to development of apps for almost anything you would wish for. Thinking about helping the world become a better place, there are apps for that. You can do it from wherever you are and whatever you are doing, all you require is your mobile phone.

Here is a list of the top 5 apps that are helping make the world a better place, so just shake off your useless mobile apps and download these remarkable apps and start checking off your lists of charity projects.

1.Charity Miles

Charity Miles is a legit app that is available for both iOS and Android. It donates money for every mile you walk, run or ride a bicycle. It is a free app that helps people raise money so that they can donate that money for charity. And the best thing about this app is that you can do charitable work without investing a single penny, you just have to invest your time and effort. This app gets donations from sponsors for every mile you run, walk or ride a bicycle.

2.One Today

If you are not into fitness but want to do some charity work than this app is for you. It is an app by Google that helps you with your donations to non-profitable causes easier. With a motto-“Give a little, change a lot.”, it shows you real-life pictures with short stories and gives a lucid description of what your little money literally changes. You can donate as little as $1 every day without impacting your budget and you can also help spread the noble project by sharing it.

  1. Tree planet

With global warming and deforestation rising at an alarming level, one of the ways for stopping it to become worse is to plant trees. Tree planet is a Korean based app which plants trees on your behalf while you play games on its app. Apart from planting trees this app also tries to deal with hunger issues in South Sudan.


Founded by an Israeli tech startup, this GPS based navigation system is best in traffic accuracy and is worth your download. It was recently acquired by Google and is considered one of the best apps in its genre because it is totally free, accurate and gives you real time-based information. As this navigation system is community-centric, it helps users to alert each other from traffic jams and delays, roadside crashes and even suggests you low-priced gasoline spots.

  1. Share the meal

You can feed a starving child somewhere in the world with just a single tap on this app. World food programme by the UN made this app so that you can literally share your food just by donating as little as $0.50 to feed a child for a day. Its full transparency feature allows you to see where are your funds going.

You might not need to be a social activist to help the world become a better place. With these apps available to you on your mobile phones, you can make an impact on the world and help the world become a better place. So are you ready to answer your inner calls of humanity?

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