Top Places That Might Soon Vanish Due to Rising Sea Level

Global Warming has caused the most pressing issue that is the rapidly rising sea levels, which are threatening the future of at least 52 countries with a population of 62 million. Though climate change poses a major threat to the entire planet but listed below are some places that could soon completely disappear due to global climate change.

  1. Maldives: Located in the west of India, this independent island country has around 1,100 islands. Nested just above 4.2 feet above the sea level, this is the lowest lying island in the world. Close proximity to the sea level makes it more susceptible to the effects of rising sea levels. Many of the islands here are already witnessing beach erosion by reducing the land suitable for human habitation.
  2. Nauru: With a population size of just over 10,000, this small country is located in the central Pacific Ocean covering 8.1 square miles. Already the majority of the land here is unfit for habitation since it has a history of mining. Residents are left with no option but to live along the coastlines which are quickly disappearing because of global warming.
  3. Kiribati: Located between the US state of Hawaii and Australia, this island nation has 33 islands covering an area of 313 square miles is facing the effects of rising sea levels. The ocean rose around 0.07 inches annually, making the residents of Kiribati move to the largest island after losing their communities. To relocate the island’s population, the country purchased 6,000 acres of land.
  4. Bangladesh: With a population of over 163.18 million the country is threatened by flood, cyclones and tornadoes. Due to global climate change, natural disasters are becoming more frequent. The melting glaciers of Himalaya mountains are resulting in increased instances of flooding. Researchers believe that around 20 million refugees will be forced from their home in future.
  5. Tuvalu: Constituting of 3 reef islands and 6 atolls, it is sited in the Pacific Ocean halfway between Hawaii and Australia. With a population size of 10,640, it covers an area of 10 square miles. Already the residents of this country are seeking refugee due to the damage caused by global climate change. The residents not only are facing constant erosion and flood, but the soil salinity of the land is becoming too high for agricultural efforts causing the shortage of food.

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