Want to win a Nobel Prize? Drink milk, say researchers

In our country, milk and milk products such as healthy double toned milk, full fat organic milk, fresh tasty dahi, etc. have always been known to improve both physical and mental health. This belief, especially the one related to milk’s ability to boost mental wellbeing and intellect, has now been tested and verified by European researchers.

It all started when researchers were trying to find out if there was any link between chocolate consumption and increased brain power. After their research showed definitive results, the next question that struck their mind was whether milk has anything to do with it since chocolate is often consumed with milk. To answer this question, another research was conducted, which involved gathering a large amount of data regarding per capita milk consumption trends in 22 countries.

The researchers were astounded when they found out that countries with the highest milk consumption had the most number of Nobel laureates. At 340 kg per year, the per capita milk consumption was highest in Sweden. As is widely known, Sweden also has the highest number of Nobel laureates per 10 million of its population (excluding a few exceptions). The research also supports the other end of the scale, where China, with per capita milk consumption of just around 25 kg per year, has the lowest number of Nobel laureates in its population. This goes on to show the crucial role played by milk and milk products such as healthy double toned milk, full fat organic milk, fresh tasty dahi, etc. in boosting brain power and intellect.

The findings of this research were published in the Practical Neurology journal. When researchers were asked about milk’s brain boosting abilities, they said that it is likely due to the presence of Vitamin D in milk and milk products such as healthy double toned milk, full fat organic milk, fresh tasty dahi, etc. They pointed out that flavonoids in chocolate may also be playing a role in boosting the intellect.

We know a nation is made by the hard work and thinking power of its people. Since milk and milk products such as healthy double toned milk, full fat organic milk, fresh tasty dahi, etc. can improve both brain power and stamina, we should encourage the consumption of dairy products. Now, that the benefits of milk have been tested and verified in highly credible institutions of Europe, there should not be any doubt regarding the immense health benefits of milk and milk products.

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