Where can you see the Wisteria flowers in Japan?

Japan not only houses the cherry blossom trees which bloom spectacular flowers. In addition to cherry blossom trees, there is Wisteria flower which comes in pink, purple, blue or white. During the spring Wisteria blooms and provides a scenic view for the viewers to enjoy. Usually, it blooms after the sakura season. Listed below are some places in Japan where you can find the famous Wisteria flower.

  1. Byakugou-ji Temple, Hyogo Prefecture

This historic Buddhist Temple was built in 705 and is situated in the Tamba city. Here, the Wisteria can be found in long clusters. Every year during the mid-May a Wisteria festival takes place. The Wisteria falls looks like a long splendid waterfall of blue and purple. If you take a round around the temple all you can see is falls of Wisteria flowers everywhere which comes in different colours. You need to pay any entry fee to get into the Wisteria festival.

  1. Tennogawa Park, Aichi Perfecture

The park is sited around the pond called Maruike which is a shred of Tenno River. The Owari Tsushima Wisteria Festival is held every year starting from late April to the mid of May. You can see only Wisteria blooming all over the park. The pond water is covered by a sheet of Wisteria blooms. Throughout the Tennogawa Park, games, entertainment and food are available for visitors. Take the Meitetsu Tsushima Line from the Nagoya station and within 20 minutes you’ll reach your destination.

  1. Ashikaga Flower Park, Tochigi

If you ask for the best place to see Wisteria flower in Japan, it is undoubtedly in Tochigi. What makes this place unique? The park consists of around more than 350 wisterias give an amalgamated colour to the flower park with grand wisterias which are about more than 130 years old. The tunnel having white wisteria flowers is about 80-m long. Without much trouble, you can reach the park just by walking for 13 minutes from the JR Tomita station.

  1. Mandaraji Temple, Aichi Perfecture

Every year during the mid-April to the first of May, the temple hosts the Konan Wisteria Festival. The temple houses about 60 Wisteria trees of different colours like red, purple, and white with pergolas set up across the adjacent park. Traditional events are held and anyone can enter the festival without investing a penny. The temple has a parking area which charges very less fee from the visitors.

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