
How To Date During Coronavirus?

Looking for a date in the times of coronavirus epidemic? Well, you are not alone, as many people globally are having concerns about dating and maintaining relationships in these challenging times. With ‘social distancing’ becoming a buzzword and also a norm in many countries, people are finding it difficult to carry out the usual choresassociated with dating and being in …

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3 Disturbing Effects Of Anxiety In Body And Brain And How To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Up to a certain limit, anxiety is considered a normal emotion. It is a natural mechanism to cope-up with difficult situations and most of us experience it from time to time. However, when anxiety becomes chronic and starts affecting our everyday life, it is classified as a medical disorder. There are various types of anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety …

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How Ayurvedic Steam Chamber Treatment Can Work Wonders For Your Health

Ayurvedic steam chamber treatment provides wide ranging health benefits and it can also give you radiant, youthful skin. Steam treatment is based on ancient wisdom and it is a popular relaxation and rejuvenation technique in many communities across the globe. Ayurvedic steam chamber treatment provides the best possible outcomes, as it utilizes the healing power of Ayurveda herbs and medicinal …

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Long Term Relief Possible For Thyroid Patientswith Ayurvedic Treatment

Due tostressful lifestyles and unhealthy food choices, an increasing number of people are being diagnosed with thyroid problems these days. An endocrine gland, the thyroid gland is located in the neck. It is very important, as all cells in the body need the thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones produced by thyroid gland for normal functioning. Thyroid problems can cause …

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Long Lasting Relief from Knee Pain with Janu Vasti Ayurvedic Treatment

The modern way of life creates a lot of stress, and coupled with sedentary lifestyles and poor nutrition, it leads to various diseases and health issues. It also has long term health consequences, one of which is chronic knee pain. Cases of knee pain have increased significantly over the years and their numbers continue to rise. Chronic knee pain can …

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Top 10 Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment

People in India and across the globe are discovering the immense restorative and healing properties of Ayurveda. This ancient wellness system and medical science is witnessing a resurgence of sorts, as more and more people realize its potent health benefits. The government is also helping promote the use of alternative systems of medicine and healthcare such as Ayurveda through the …

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How Ayurveda Can Help Treat Flu

Flu is caused by the Influenza virus, which is of four different types – A, B, C, and D. The Influenza virus most commonly targets the nose, throat and the lungs. A person infected by Influenza virus can experience varying symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. In certain cases, flu has turned out to be fatal. A person, who has …

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Ayurveda Treatment for Common Cold and Sinus Infections

With stressful lifestyles and rising pollution, there has been a significant increase in the number of respiratory problems such as common cold and sinusitis. Many people have to suffer from these ailments and the problem is aggravated because these health issues are often chronic in nature. Conventional medicine does not provide permanent cure and the diseases keep repeating at regular …

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How Ayurveda Can Help When You Crave Sweets

Craving for something sweet is normal if you experience it once in a while. We all have craving for sweets at some point in our lives. However, if you crave sweet often, it could be a sign of underlying health risks such as Type 2 diabetes. If you crave sweets every day or after every meal, it could be a …

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How Ayurvedic Treatment Cures Skin Diseases

Ayurveda is said to be more than 5000 years old and it offers a holistic way to treat a wide variety of diseases and disorders. Ayurveda is very effective in the treatment of skin diseases, with many patients reporting complete cure for their skin problems. The thing about Ayurvedic treatment is that it focuses on eliminating the root cause of …

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