If you or any of your near and dear ones have been troubled by Varicocele, then you will be glad to know that there’s a Varicocele cure without surgery. Leading manufacturer of Ayurvedic proprietarymedicine and result oriented formulations, Grocare, has the perfect solution you are looking for. Varicocele cure without surgery can be easily and effectively achieved through Grocare’s multi …
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Milk powers American Olympic Champions, reveals new survey
To understand the immense benefits of milk, we do not always have to take help from scientific research. There are times when we can examine the way things operate in general and come to a definitive conclusion through a survey. This approach has been an essential part of human progress and has worked well throughout the centuries. Since the current …
Read More »Cow milk healthier and cheaper than formula milk, says ‘Which?’
Britain’s top consumer body ‘Which?’ has come up with the assertion that cow’s full cream milk for toddlers and cow’s full fat organic milk is healthier and cheaper than toddler formula milk. This also applies to cow’s double toned milk nutrition. The leading consumer rights watchdog has said that formula milk is usually marketed with the promise of increased vitamins …
Read More »Experts speak in support of cow milk and cow milk products
With rising concerns about cow milk and cow milk products such as best full cream milk and organic curd, it was time to ask the experts about their opinion. In a recent interview of leading US based doctors and nutrition experts, it has been revealed that cow’s milk offers plentiful benefits for optimal human health. Here’s a quick summary of …
Read More »Want to win a Nobel Prize? Drink milk, say researchers
In our country, milk and milk products such as healthy double toned milk, full fat organic milk, fresh tasty dahi, etc. have always been known to improve both physical and mental health. This belief, especially the one related to milk’s ability to boost mental wellbeing and intellect, has now been tested and verified by European researchers. It all started when …
Read More »Study debunks any link between fresh milk and elevated estrogen levels
Time and again, concerns have been raised about cow milk products such as fresh milk and healthy double toned milk. Apparently, there are vested interests that want people to discard that glassful of healthy cow’s milk and instead choose highly processed and chemically enriched plant based milk products such as soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, etc. Despite …
Read More »Organic curd can help prevent fatty liver
Modern lifestyles have provided a lot of comfort and pleasure to the senses, but they have also resulted in a number of diseases. One such disease that is becoming increasingly rampant is fatty liver disease. It is normal to have some fat in the liver, but when the fat percentage in liver is more than 5 to 10 per cent …
Read More »World Health Day 2016: Beat Diabetes
As the saying goes, “health is wealth”, the core message it seeks to convey has acquired all the more significance at a time when humanity continues to battle a wide variety of health issues. Newspatrolling notes that notwithstanding the advancements made in technology and medical science, health issues continue to challenge mankind. These include a mix of age-old ailments such …
Read More »Cow milk protein can block high BP, says new research
Ours is a strange new world, where there are as many new medical innovations and medicines, as there are new types of human disorders. High blood pressure (hypertension) is one such disorder that is becoming increasingly rampant among the masses. High blood pressure is a condition propagated by improper and unhealthy lifestyle, characterized by stress and nutritional deficiency. While several …
Read More »Fresh milk works better than your branded shampoo
With increased air and water pollution, keeping your hair healthy, shining and strong has become a huge challenge. There are branded shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products that make big promises, but they may not be worth their claims since most of these are costly and containsyntheticchemicals. So, why not try something natural, for example, daily products such as …
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