Every Indian is aware of the fact the British rule in India lasted for about 200 years before we got independence on 15th August 1947. Indians struggled for about a century to get freedom from colonial rule. It did not only establish its reign in India, but there are other countries too which were invaded by the British forces. Here …
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Clothing in the Elizabethan era
The great Elizabethan era (1558 – 1603) under the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1, during the Tudor period, saw an acultural explosion of the arts in the hands of William Shakespeare who was the most prominent figure of this time. By many historians, the epoch is regarded as the golden age. The kind of renaissance that happened during that time …
Read More »Look Fashionable in Jeans Pant for Women with These 3 Styling Hacks
All of us have been wearing jean pants for women for many decades and it is a go-to item in our closet. From running errands to partying all night, jean pants for women have been our companions through it all. The versatility that jeans offer is unmatched. The classic blue denim is an item that will forever hold a place …
Read More »8 Rare Cancers That Not Many Know About
Even though advanced cancer treatment options are now available, the disease continues to be a heavy burden on society. Every year, thousands of patients die from cancer across the globe. In US alone, around 600,000 patients are estimated to have died due to cancer in 2021. Some of the most common cancers are breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung and bronchus …
Read More »7 warning signs of brain tumour to be aware of
Change in the pattern of headaches, constant sensation of vomiting, blurred vision can be the warning sign of a brain tumor which cannot be ignored. Brain tumour is a cluster of abnormal cells that arises from the nervous tissues of the brain. It is the irregular proliferation of cells creating a tumour. Brain tumours can either be benign, with no …
Read More »10 best ways to announce your pregnancy
Are you pregnant? Congratulations! It is big news that you are going to have a baby. Sharing this news can be a highlight of your early pregnancy and watching your husband, family and friends react is a lot more fun. So, do you want to share the news with your husband and family members in the best possible way? Then …
Read More »5 way to change the appearence without any professional help
Are you the person who spends hours in front of the mirror doing makeup to look beautiful? For many people doing makeup is fun through which they can express themselves and enhance their features. But, you do not always need to rely on makeup items to define your beauty. A natural, no-makeup look not only allows your authenticity to shine …
Read More »Where Are The Missing Nukes – A Disaster Waiting To Happen?
Ever since they arrived on the scene in 1945, nuclear weapons have been involved in a number of accidents. It includes incidents like accidental criticality, non-nuclear detonation, nuclear test accidents, partial meltdown, release of nuclear materials and subsequent contamination, etc. What is even more concerning is that some nuclear weapons have been lost and are still not recovered. Such cases …
Read More »Is there anything below the Mariana Trench?
The Mariana Trench is believed to be the deepest point in the world, and the lowest point in Mariana Trench is known by the name –Challenger Deep. The gap between the tectonic plates proliferates up to 1500 miles forming the Challenger Deep point. But, the question is whether this is the deepest point or not? Is there anything below the …
Read More »How to detect if your wine has gone bad?
Though the general rule says that if the wine is kept open for over a week it goes bad, there are still a few exceptions to this, such as in case of dessert wines. But sometimes we become hesitant if we should consume wine or not. You might have seen experience drinkers instantly telling if the wine is in potable …
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