
Want to boost your creativity? Just try milk

In today’s fast-paced, highly competitive world, being creative gives you a professional edge in your career, business, or in any other field you may be working. Creativity can also help you in how you handle things at home, your relations with other members of your family, relatives, neighbors etc. A creative person is like a magnet, and everyone wants to …

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Fresh milk can help eliminate your break-up blues

To find something that lasts forever, if not impossible, has certainly become quite difficult in today’s fast changing world. Everything gets replaced in just a few years and most things come with an expiry date. Relationships have acquired similar characteristics, which in turn has made break-ups quite commonplace. The resulting hurt is something we are all familiar with and it’s …

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Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak

Style is a language that only a select few know how to speak. The vocabulary of style carries with it infinite possibilities, which can be used to convey who you are in very specific terms. Here are some of the things that can make all the difference when it comes to making a style statement: It’s the way you dress–Your …

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Want to stay away from diabetes? Just grab some fresh milk

The health wonders of fresh milk and milk products have been known to us since many decades. Moreover, it leaves little doubt in our minds, as new research studies are regularly being conducted, many of which have found evidence of the health benefits of milk. One such research study has special importance, as it has shown that regular consumption of …

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Why the Olympics HasFive Rings

The biggest sporting event on planet earth, the Olympic Games are organized every four years. The Olympics comprise both Summer Games and Winter Games, which are held alternatively with a gap of two years. The Olympics witnesses the participation of thousands of athletes from all across the globe and winning an Olympic medal is a matter of great prestige for …

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Sex During Pregnancy

Most couples wonder if sex during pregnancy would be harmful for their partners or the unborn child. While different opinions exist, most medical experts agree that sex during pregnancy is completely safe. This is especially true in case of women who have been examined by their doctor or caregiver and it has been ascertained that it’s a normal pregnancy. However, …

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How toConceive a Baby Boy or Baby Girl

All children are god’s gift and it would be inappropriate to differentiate between a baby boy or baby girl. However, there may be certain situations and personal preferences that may prompt couples to choose a specific option. For example, if a couple already has a baby boy, they may want their next child to be a baby girl. This is …

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Top 10 tourist destinations in Karnataka

travel airport

Most people would know Bengaluru and that it is the primary information technology (IT) hub in the country. However, the state of Karnataka has a lot more to offer and its full potential as a top tourist destination is just starting to get realized. When planning to explore the wonders of Karnataka, it’s advisable that you start your journey from …

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Matrimonial Sites Fraud Alert: Your ideal life partner could be a conman

Matrimonial sites such as,,,, etc. have become the hunting ground for cyber criminals in recent times. You may think that you have finally found your ideal life partner, but think again, because the person you may have been communicating with could easily be a conman. Every year, thousands of matrimonial related fraud cases are registered with …

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How toRecognize Your Soulmate

Many movies and books have explored the topic of soulmate and it certainly makes for interesting stories. However, do soulmates really exist or are they just the figment of our imagination? Well, any answers would be merely speculation since there would not be any conclusive evidence to support it. However, the idea of a soulmate is really worth trying for, …

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