What To talk To Your Crush?

While looks may be the first trigger for attraction between two individuals, it’s your speech and communications that determine how the relationship will evolve. Often, we find someone very attractive, but tend to lose interest based on how the person thinks or talks. That’s why you need to be a tad bit careful about what you talk to your crush. If you are confused, here are some interesting things that you can talk about with your crush.

Define happiness: You can ask your crush to define happiness or list out things that make them happy. This will be an interesting way to know more about your crush and who they are as individuals.

Favorite movies: Talking about movies can be a great conversation starter. You can start by asking your crush if they have seen a particular movie. Based on their reply, you can then ask which genre of movies they like, which are theirfavorite movies and most liked movie stars. Talks about movies can go on forever and it’s also a safe topic to discuss.

Likes and dislikes: We all have a range of likes and dislikes, which can be about food, books, sports, career options, politics, people, music, etc. You can start with any of these topics and ask your crush to share theirvarious likes and dislikes in life. It is possible that you guys may have several things in common. Or you may be completely different individuals, in which case the laws of “opposites attract” will apply. If you get to know that your crush has a specific hobby, you can talk about that too.

Family members and friends: Once you get to know your crush a little better, you can ask about their family members and friends. You can also share details about yourfamily members and friends. You can talk about what your family is like, the nature of family members, things that you do together, etc.

Life’s purpose: Ask your crush about what they think of life and what they intend to achieve. Everyone has a dream of some sort and most people would be excited to talk about it.Dreams are not only about jobs or business. It can also be about the personal aspects of our life.

It’s okay if you goof up initially when trying to strike a conversation with your crush. Please note that your crush may also be experiencing emotions like anxiety and restlessness. Don’t pretend or overdo things to impress your crush, as this approach is likely to backfire.The above topics can come handy, but overall you should try to be who you are and express yourself freely.

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