Facts & Trivia

Most terrible roller coaster accidents you need to know about

The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions have estimated that the chances of getting killed are very less likely to happen. About 1 in 750 million have been reported of getting killed in an amusement park ride. Still, deaths are happening. During 1994 and 2004, 22 people were killed on roller coasters due to mechanical failure or operator error. …

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Is South Florida vulnerable to Earthquakes?

The destructive damages lined up due to the consecutive earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.4 quake has severely impacted Puerto Rico. And people cannot help but panic and get curious about these earthquakes affecting Florida as well. The concern and anxiety are entirely justifiable because we aren’t unaware of the hurricane season that affects Puerto Rico. What happens there could …

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Is Santa real?

Christmas is the time for gifts, cookies, decorations, and lots more interesting and fun stuff. And of course, there’s Santa to add some extra excitement to the celebrations. Santa is loved and adored by kids and they almost wait the entire year for his arrival. Even as kids are fascinated by Santa, many kids are curious and may want to …

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Haunted hotels in the U.S that you should definitely take a peek into

Halloween is around the corner and it’s setting up the mood for some scares and horror. The bravest among us might want to take an adventurous vacation to some spots that only the courageous have dared to go. To add in some hotels in your list of the scariest places, we’ve prepared a list of haunted hotels in the US …

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Different varieties of Bald animals that are weird yet cute

Baldness among us humans might be common, but animals are not very far behind. Do you know that animals too suffer from alopecia? Some animals are born bald, a few are genetically mutated or have genetic disorders. Some look pitiful while certain others look scary, weird, but yet cute. Today we will discuss about some animals who are born bald …

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Why Mars Is Called Red Planet?

Mars is a planet of great importance to us, as it could possibly be our next home. It’s the only planet that can be considered for building human settlements. It may not happen anytime soon, but it’s possible theoretically. It explains why there’s currently a race among nations to explore the Martian surface and its atmosphere. If humans are ever …

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7 Steps to Survive an Apocalypse According to Science

Though it is unlikely to happen, however, picturing these situations and the skills needed to survive is fun. What would you do if something happens like this? Where would you take shelter? How to survive from it? Will you see another civilization taking shape? Check out top 7 tips that are mentioned below to survive an apocalypse according to science, …

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Who Invented Ludo?

There are several different types of board games, one of which is Ludo. Most of us have played this game when we were young and it continues to fascinate us even today. Ludo is widely popular owing to its simplicity and the unpredictable twists and turns it creates. Winners can become losers quite easily and vice versa, which is one …

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Which Animal Kills The Most Humans?

Life is uncertain and death can come calling anytime, anywhere. There are so many ways we can die such as due to disease, infection, accident, homicide, suicide or simply old age. Another common way to die is when we are bitten by animals. This is not to be taken lightly, as thousands of people die every year due to animal …

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Which Is The Fastest Elevator In The World?

Skyscrapers are getting taller and taller every year and we are yet to define a limit for how high we can build. Living or working in these buildings is made possible by various technology integrations, one of which is elevators. These buildings are equipped with multiple high-speed elevators, which allow fast movement of men and material. Without these high-speed elevators, …

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