Most relationships start with a bang, where couples experience a range of emotions including everything from love to joy, happiness and bliss. During the initial stages of a relationship, most couples also believe that they were meant to be together and that theirrelationship will last forever. Many couples do make it together till the end and it makes for delightful …
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Most Corrupt Police In World – Be Watchful Where You Travel
In a perfect world, police personnel are supposed to catch the criminals, maintain law and order and protect its people. However, since we happen to live in an imperfect world, not every police personnel can be relied upon to fulfill their duties. Corruption in police force is a global phenomenon with the only difference that the magnitude of corruption varies …
Read More »Are Humans Designed To Eat Meat?
As humanity continues to face increased challenges on health and environment, the debate among vegetarians and meat eaters is getting louder and louder. Each group has their own arguments and they back it up with loads of scientific data. So, who is right and who is wrong? Well, this is not so easy to answer, as the truth is that …
Read More »Which Is The Hottest Place On Earth?
Summers can be excruciating, especially for folks who just can’t handle the rising temperatures. Every person has their own tolerance to heat and it’s interesting to see how some people adapt so well to the summer heat. So, what’s the temperature like in your city during summers and how much heat can you handle? If you think you know heat, …
Read More »Most Deadly Epidemics In Human History
Every generation is faced with life altering challenges and no marks for guessing what we are facing right now. Covid-19 pandemic needs no introduction and it continues to devastate our lives in the worst possible manner. As of now, total Covid-19 deaths have reached a staggering 2.6 million globally. However, you will be surprised to know that there have been …
Read More »Can You Drink Snake Venom?
You may have come across videos of people drinking snake venom and thinking if these are actually real or just fake stories. Well, to answer the question, we need to approach this subject from a scientific perspective. While it may be theoretically possible to drink snake venom and live to tell the story, there are quite a few risks associated …
Read More »These Trees Can Kill You – Watch Out!
Trees have been humankind’s best friend, as they have provided us with shade, fruits, wood and the most important oxygen. Trees play an important role in sustaining various forms of life and they are also relevant in terms of aesthetics. Without trees, the world would cease to exist, as we know it now. The importance of trees is even more …
Read More »Most Dangerous Cities On Earth – Be Safe!
Planning a vacation or business trip? If you are, it’s always better to know as much as you can about the place you are visiting. In addition to learning the local culture and tradition and a smattering of the local language, it’s also good to be aware of the crime rate at that location. This could be very useful, as …
Read More »Most Unsafe Airlines In The World
Air travel is one of the safest ways to travel, as fatality rate is quite low. We do see planes falling off the sky, hitting a mountain, crashing into a building and dropping into the ocean. However, such cases are rare, especially when we compare it proportionately to the total number of successful flights. As per recent data, the ratio …
Read More »Men With Highest Number Of Wives – Unbelievable But True
While existing laws in most parts of the world do not permit polygyny (man marrying several women), it was quite commonplace in the ancient world. Even in modern times, there are several communities in the world that allow men to have more than one wife. This is quite surprising, especially considering the fact that raising even a small family is …
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