Coronaviruses belong to an enormous family of viruses that are mainly found in different animal species that include the cattle, bats, and camels as well. A unique strain of the Coronavirus has been identified that is resulting in severe respiratory illness in human beings. This strain was first located in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization addressed the virus, causing …
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Is South Florida vulnerable to Earthquakes?
The destructive damages lined up due to the consecutive earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.4 quake has severely impacted Puerto Rico. And people cannot help but panic and get curious about these earthquakes affecting Florida as well. The concern and anxiety are entirely justifiable because we aren’t unaware of the hurricane season that affects Puerto Rico. What happens there could …
Read More »How is implanted GPS system threatening our privacy?
The story of GPS or Global Positioning System dates back to 1970s when the US Department of Defense proposed inserting several satellites into the orbit that monitors a specific place always staying at a particular position. A bulk of present-day gadgets use GPS in one way or the other. Although it helps you to get around, mostly when you are …
Read More »How is the USA traffic monitoring system better than any other country?
The traffic system that the United States has implemented is the InSync adaptive traffic control system. This traffic system was developed by Rhythm Engineering. In this type of the system, the traffic signals adjust accordingly to the demand of the traffic by smartly using the intelligent transportation system. In the year, 2015, around 2300 traffic signals in the US were …
Read More »Who’s the winner? Team Men vs. Team Women in the Teachers’ Battleground
Why do we see more female teachers in our schools? – An Indian Perspective – Inputs given by Mrs. Damayanti Bhattacharya, the Principal of JML School & Bloomingdales Pre-Primary It is rather evident that women are significantly over-represented in the profession of educators. As per the data from the Education Department, more than 80% of all teachers in kindergarten through high school are women. The gender imbalance …
Read More »General Secretary Com. Venu P. Nair: A Sturdy Pillar of the National Railway Majdoor Union
General Secretary Comrade Venu P. Nair is a man of sheer focus and dedication who has served for many years in the National Railway Majdoor Union (NRMU) (CR/KR). His interests always lie in representing and protecting the interests of the permanent and contractual workers of the Central Railway. Being the General Secretary of the NRMU (CR/KR) brings a lot of …
Read More »Tips on How to Protect Crops during winter
During winter, crops are mostly damaged by frost and other hostile weather conditions. During this season, the quality and production of both fruit and vegetable crops can get affected, thereby, causing heavy losses. Since, leaves, flowers, and fruits tend to dry out, the dryness can also cause outbreaks of bacterial diseases. These can emerge in the form of spots that …
Read More »5 dog breeds for small apartments
Are you a dog lover and thinking of adopting a brand new puppy? You might be thinking that you need a huge house with a big fenced-in outdoor to fulfill your dream of having a dog. But the truth is, if you are living in an apartment os a smaller house, there are plenty of dog breeds that will adapt …
Read More »Why You Shouldn’t Burst Firecrackers During Diwali
Firecrackers are synonymous with Diwali celebrations and it’s difficult to imagine the festivities without them. Most of us grew bursting firecrackers every Diwali, and as such it has been ingrained deep within us. However, times have changed and there’s considerable evidence that pollution resulting from bursting firecrackers is harmful for our health. As kids we were unaware, but as adults, …
Read More »May Day: Celebrating the spirit of human endeavor
Every year on May 1, a public holiday is observed in most countries to celebrate the hard work done by the working class, which keeps the world and its machinery going. Newspatrolling notes that the International Workers’ Day, as it is officially referred to, is a major celebration for socialists, communists, anarchists and people associated with the international labor movement. …
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