
Which Country Pays Highest Salary?

For those who may have the required skills and are eligible, immigrating to a new country can make a significant difference to their career prospects. While there are several factors why people immigrate, the prospect of earning more money is one of the key reasons. If earning more is one of your primary objectives, it’s obvious that you should immigrate …

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Is It Okay To Date Your Boss?

Relationships can blossom between any two people and there are hardly any restrictions to it. But is it okay to date your boss? Well, the truth is that most people and organizations won’t recommend dating your boss. That’s because such relationships can adversely impact your career prospects. Here are some things you need to consider before going out on a …

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Exciting Jobs, Employment Options For Retirees In UK

Retirement may mark the end of your professional career, but it does not mean that you can no longer work. If you are the one who seeks to live a useful and productive life even after retirement, you can apply for a wide variety of post-retirement jobs. Such a job will help you lead an active lifestyle and can also …

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Top Paying Jobs In UK

Looking for the highest paying jobs in UK? Well, there are quite a few options that you can consider. High paying jobs in United Kingdom are spread across various domains such as marketing, finance, software, construction, consulting, etc. Let’s take a look at some of the highest paying jobs in UK and find out exactly how much you canearn from …

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How Nonverbal Communication Can Help In Job Interviews

It’s common knowledge that effective verbal communication is crucial for scoring top marks in job interviews. However, psychologists believe that non-verbal communication also plays an important role in making the right impressions during job interviews. If we look at the big picture, we can see that both verbal and nonverbal communications are necessary for achieving positive outcomes from job interviews. …

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Awesome Jobs That Are Fun and Pure Pleasure

Typical jobs can be boring, but not all jobs have to be the mundane 9-5 daily grind. Not many are aware, but there are some very interesting jobs that can be taken up as a full-fledged career opportunity. If you are looking to have some fun on the job, here are some of the interesting career opportunities you can consider. …

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Mistakes to Avoid In Your First Job

First jobs are challenging for most people, as there’s plenty to learn about one’s work, the company and the industry. In your first job, you may be looking to make the right impressions and the right moves to excel in your career. You would also want to avoid mistakes that can derail your progress and push you back. Here are …

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7 Most Dangerous Jobs in India

Most people would prefer a cushy office job, where they could enjoy all the associated comforts and privileges. But, what if you were slightly different from the rest and want your job to be a lot more interesting and challenging? Well, worry not because there are plenty of jobs like these. To help you choose, let’s take a look at …

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Questions You Should NOT Be Asking At An Interview

Job interviews have always been challenging, even for the most talented and experienced professionals. Most candidates experienceheightened stress, anxiety and confusion since they are aware that their every word, gesture and even pauses are being carefully evaluated by the interviewer. One of the most confusing things about an interview is the questions that you need to ask at the end …

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Do Looks Matter During Job Interviews?

Folks from the Human Resources (HR) department will never admit that they are influenced by facial features while hiring candidates. However, scientific studies conducted by researchers clearly indicate that facial features have a major role to play in the outcome of job interviews. HR folks may deny this because it happens at the sub-conscious level. The interviewer may not be …

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