
The best full cream milk and related myths

Since ancient times, India has been a heavy consumer of milk and milk products. We are currently the largest producer of dairy in the world. We have been consuming fresh milk for many generations and even today, we continue to do so and derive the associated health benefits. However, since the later part of the twentieth century, scientists in the …

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Tasty dahi for flat abs

dahi health milk

We know tasty dahi is super yummy and offers numerous health benefits. But, did you know that tasty dahi can also help you lose weight and have that extremely desirable flat abs? Well, this is exactly what researchers have discovered at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The findings of the research In the research, a select group was put on …

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Milk – A complete food

For ages, milk has served the nutritional needs of humankind. With scientific evidence, it’s now even clearer that milk is,in fact, a complete food. Loaded with proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, milk is vital for maintaining good health and sustaining life. Another good thing is that milk tastes awesome and it can be used to prepare a variety of lip-smacking …

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Milk can be used as an aphrodisiac: Ayurveda

As per Ayurveda, there are various ways milk can be used to benefit the human body. The knowledge about the benefits of milk, especially cow’s milk, has been described in detail in the AstangaSangraha, an ancient Ayurveda text that has contributed significantly to the available Ayurveda knowledgebase. This collection of ancient Ayurveda documents has a separate section, called KsheerVarga, dedicated …

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Know the person who loves you the most

There’s someone we all have. Engineers, doctors, politicians, actors, writers, the rich and the poor, and even the bad guys, we all have something in common. Yes, it’s our mother, to whom we owe our existence. Without her, we would not have been born to this world and could never have experienced the joys and wonders of our planet Earth. …

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Can physical therapy / rehab be conducted at home after hip replacement?

An increasing number of people are undergoing hip replacement surgery these days, primarily due to increased awareness about advancements made in medical science and the will to live life independently. At some point of time, it is highly probable that either you or someone you know may choose to undergo hip replacement surgery. The one reason that most commonly leads …

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Give up tobacco for a healthier, happier and wealthier life

Historical records and data gathered by Newspatrolling reveal that tobacco use dates back to the seventieth century, a time when it was used by the native people living in North and South America. At that time, the native people used it for their religious practices as well as for medicinal uses such as a pain killer and for treatment of …

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Tuberculosis (TB) – One of the foremost health challenges for humankind

One of the oldest diseases known to humankind, tuberculosis (TB) continues to remain a major public health problem. Newspatrolling notes that TB has progressively become more difficult to control even when significant progress has been made on the socio-economic front, clinical research and technological advancements. Even though it is a curable disease, there are millions of people who continue to …

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Go Blue for Autism on April 2

Every year on World Autism Awareness Day, April 2, prominent buildings and people across the world embrace the color blue to show solidarity with people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and pledge their support to spread awareness about the disorder. Newspatrolling urges its readers to sport the color blue this World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 and lend …

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The Journey of Women Empowerment in India

World renowned author Diane Mariechild once said, “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” So true are her words and certainly worth implanting in our lives by providing women the right environment and space to grow and blossom. On the eve of the International Women’s Day 2016, we at newspatrolling, salute …

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